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This archive project is ongoing, join the https://t.me/saveweb_projects/15874 (Chinese) for details.


URL http://haowanlab.com
founded 2013
closed 2024-02-08
alt_name huaba, huabar
owner 苏州友家软件有限公司
data_size 10~13 TiB
App Store #TODO: APK
APN com.haowan.huabar

“画吧 (huabar)” is a painting app characterized by the fact that when a user uploads his/her work to the community, the app uploads the project file along with it. Viewers can see the process of painting.(So, 100% no AIGC here)

It will be shut down on 2024-02-08 due to financial issues.

In total, there are ~19,000,000 valid artwork ids (noteid)

Archiving process

The main storage and cdn provider used by huabar is https://qiniu.com, and if we download the 10TB data from the Internet, it will send them a 4,000 CNY bill. Therefore, we set up a VPS in the same AZ as a relay to download the data from the intranet, and then packaged and sent it to our storage servers.

APK decompiling

APK 反编译





Shutdown Announcement
